
The first bag the designer received as a gift by her mother Margherita becomes the starting point of the collection. Its rational lines, light paddings in leather, and gold metal details reminisce of the 40’s design. Thanks to its handles and the two detachable shoulder straps, in a jewel version and in a canvas and leather one, the Moi Même Margherita bag is perfect to be worn waving on the shoulder or by hand.

Size: L 23 X H 15 X P 7cm
Material: Suede
Metal: Gold Brass
Code: MMA01G
Color: Cookie

Made in Italy

Out of stock

SKU: MMA02G-cookie Category:

The Details

The brass detail under the handle is inspired by the handrails of Milanese hallways and lights up the bag like a blade of light. The contrast between the supple leather and this metal detail creates a feeling of unexpected and unique to the touch.

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